Vitamin D, this unknown

22/04/21 - Dr. Valeria Valentino

Vitamin D, this unknown

Vitamin D is mostly synthesised by our body through the absorption of the sun’s rays by the skin.

This vitamin, which is actually a pre-hormone, is a regulator of calcium metabolism and is therefore useful in calcifying bones.

It also helps to maintain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. It is not only essential for the calcium/phosphorus metabolism, but serves to prevent some very common diseases in the Western world, such as diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome.

Bone and joint pains are just some of the symptoms that manifest calcium deficiency. Others may be: muscle pain, muscle spasms, difficulty concentrating, chronic fatigue.

Laboratory studies have also shown that the presence of vitamin D carries out activities potentially able to prevent or slow down the growth of tumours. Adequate levels of this vitamin in our body improve the immune response by making our defences stronger against attacks by pathogens.

Which foods contain vitamin D?

Vitamin D is scarcely present in foods except in cod liver oil, it is contained in minimal quantities in some fatty fish, then green leafy vegetables, milk and derivatives, but also eggs and liver.

Usually the amount accumulated with exposure to sunlight is sufficient, but it must be supplemented during certain moments of our life when the need is greater, such as in the neonatal period, during pre-conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What behaviours can cause a vitamin D deficiency, or rather an inadequate activation?

• Overdressing and therefore exposing little areas of the body to sunlight.

• Staying indoors for a long time

There are expressions that are part of our cultural heritage such as “stay outdoors, it is good for you”, our grandparents used to say, and today it is clear how right they were. In particular, in this last year the rhythms of our life have been revolutionised, reducing the physiological activation, albeit minimal, of vitamin D. Besides considering that now even in summertime, we often spend very little time in the open-air and we are used to staying indoors with the air conditioners on.

The daily requirement varies according to age, in the absence of risk factors (for example thyroid diseases, pharmacological, spontaneous or surgical menopause) it is about 600 IU per day.

Compensate your need for Vitamin D with the right supplementation, which allows you to help your natural well-being.