the good rules to support fertility
It is important for women to take care of their fertility from a young age, by adopting a correct lifestyle and a balanced diet rich in beneficial nutrients for the well-being and proper functioning of the reproductive system.
Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet, traditionally based on the regular consumption of fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants and fibers, is recognized as a diet indicated for maintaining a healthy reproductive system and the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.
Avocado although not part of the “traditional” Mediterranean-style diet, is considered a MEDITERRANEAN STYLE
food as it is rich in antioxidants, fibers and MUFA.
A precious ally for health and well-being
Avocado is the only one among fruits and vegetables which has higher levels by weight of some components, such as Potassium and Folate. These natural components are related to the protection of a woman’s fertility at any age, to the health of the gestating foetus and also affect the quality of breast milk.
Average contents per 100 g of Avocado. Sources: USDA, Humanitas
Mufa 10 gr
MUFAs are monounsaturated fatty acids, fundamental constituents of cell membranes. They therefore participate in the complex cell turnover to which all body tissues are subjected and by binding to the γ receptor (PPAR-γ) affect ovulatory function.
Fibres 7 gr
A higher intake of fibres in expectant mothers is essential and contributes to the correct development of the foetus, strongly influenced by the nutritional status and the state of illness of the mother.
FOLATES 81 mcgr
During pregnancy, the need for folate increases due to the formation of new cells and tissues and folic acid is one of the essential nutrients in this phase. In fact, folic acid contributes to the normal formation of maternal tissues, to the synthesis of DNA and haematopoiesis and to the normal function of the immune system.
The daily intake of potassium helps to maintain normal blood pressure. Avocado contains more potassium in terms of weight than most other common fruits and vegetables.
VITAMIN E 6.4 mgr
Avocado is also very rich in phytonutrients that help eliminate excess free radicals and fight oxidative stress that accelerates the processes associated with cell aging. It also contains glutathione, lutein and Vitamin A, C and E.
Mufa 10 gr
MUFAs are monounsaturated fatty acids, fundamental constituents of cell membranes. They therefore participate in the complex cell turnover to which all body tissues are subjected and by binding to the γ receptor (PPAR-γ) affect ovulatory function.
Fibres 7 gr
A higher intake of fibres in expectant mothers is essential and contributes to the correct development of the foetus, strongly influenced by the nutritional status and the state of illness of the mother.
FOLATES 81 mcgr
During pregnancy, the need for folate increases due to the formation of new cells and tissues and folic acid is one of the essential nutrients in this phase. In fact, folic acid contributes to the normal formation of maternal tissues, to the synthesis of DNA and haematopoiesis and to the normal function of the immune system.
The daily intake of potassium helps to maintain normal blood pressure. Avocado contains more potassium in terms of weight than most other common fruits and vegetables.
VITAMIN E 6.4 mgr
Avocado is also very rich in phytonutrients that help eliminate excess free radicals and fight oxidative stress that accelerates the processes associated with cell aging. It also contains glutathione, lutein and Vitamin A, C and E.

an avocado always
in your pocket
Deavocado® is the result of years of research and studies in the medical field to develop the first production process that allows you to exploit the active ingredients contained in the ripe fruit: FAP®